Wednesday 9 May 2018

" A Licence To Kill ? " Vote " NO " To Abortion On Demand In The Referendum On 25 May.

Main Text and Illustration: LIFE INSTITUTE

"Save The 8th"
Erects First Posters Of Campaign.

4,000 copies of “1 in 5” poster going up nationwide
in first phase of poster campaign

"Save The 8th", the campaign against
the repeal of The 8th Amendment, has begun.
The first in a series of nationwide poster campaigns ahead of the referendum on 25 May 2018.

With the polling order signed on Wednesday night
(4 April 2018), it became legal to erect campaign posters from 5 April 2018.

Save The 8th’s first poster reads:
“In England, 1 in 5 babies are aborted.
Don’t bring this to Ireland. Vote No”.
4,000 of these posters will be erected nationwide,
with further posters to follow.

Commenting, Save The 8th’s Niamh UiBhriain said:
“In 1967, the British Abortion Act promised a restrictive regime of abortion, just like the Irish Government is proposing today. In England, this restrictive regime sees virtually no abortion refused, and one in five pregnancies ending with an abortion.

"In 2010, Leo Varadkar warned that any attempt
to introduce a restrictive abortion law would 
end with abortion on demand. Today, he is trying
to take the Country down the very path he warned against very recently.

"Our poster campaign seeks to raise awareness
of what happens when abortion is legalised. It gives politicians a licence to kill. We hope that Irish voters will not copy England’s mistake”.

Maternity of Mary
from The Liturgical Year, 1910.

Zephyrinus says:
"If We Do Not Save The Little Ones,
Who Will ? "

Zephyrinus is also of the opinion that:
"Abortion Is The Greatest Evil
The World Has Ever Seen".

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