Thursday 31 May 2018

Saint Angela Merici. Virgin. Feast Day, Today, 31 May.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Angela Merici.
   Feast Day 31 May.


White Vestments.

Saint Angela Merici (1474-1540) as a teacher.
Devotional picture (pastel on paper) by Pietro Calzavacca (1855-1890).
Current location: Merician Museum, Brescia, Italy.
Date: Mid-19th-Century.
Source: Painting, Merician Museum, Brescia, Italy. File from museum website.
Author: Pietro Calzavacca (1855-1890).
(Wikimedia Commons)

Born at Desenzano, on the Lake of Garda, Italy, in 1474, of pious parents, Angela, from her childhood, ever tried to please Jesus, the Spouse of her Soul (Epistle, Gospel, Communion). She adopted the rule of The Third Order of Saint Francis and united evangelical poverty to the merit of Virginity.

She "loved justice and hated iniquity" (Introit) and subjected her body to the severest austerities to atone for the sins of the World. "The disorders of society." she used to say, "are caused by those in families; there are few Christian mothers, because the education of young girls is neglected."

In consequence of a vision, she successfully formed, in 1535, in The Church, a new Society of Holy Virgins (Collect). Its object being the Christian education of youth, she placed it under the Patronage of Saint Ursula, the chief of an Army of Virgins.

She died in 1540 at Brescia, Italy, with the name of Jesus on her lips.

Mass: Dilexisti.
Commemoration of Saint Petronilla, by the Collects of The Mass: Vultum tuum.

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia.

Angela Merici, or Angela de Merici, 21 March 1474 – 27 January 1540, was an Italian Religious Educator. She Founded The Company of Saint Ursula in 1535 in Brescia, Italy, in which women dedicated their lives to the Service of The Church through the education of girls.

From this organisation later sprang The Monastic Order of Ursulines, whose Nuns established places of Prayer and Learning throughout Europe and, later, Worldwide, most notably in North America.

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