Friday 22 June 2018

The Night-Office In The Monastery.

Dawn breaks over Silverstream Priory, Ireland.
Illustration: VULTUS CHRISTI

This Article is taken  from, and can be read in full at, VULTUS CHRISTI


How The Night-Office is to be said in Summer Time.

12 Feb. 13 June. 13 Oct.

From Easter to The First of November, let the same number of Psalms be recited as prescribed above; only that no Lessons are to be read from The Book, on account of the shortness of the Night: but, instead of those three Lessons, let one from The Old Testament be said by heart, followed by a short Responsory, and the rest as before laid down; so that never less than twelve Psalms, not counting The Third and Ninety-Fourth, be said at The Night-Office.

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