Sunday 29 July 2018

"Laudate Dominum" And "Ombra Mai Fu". Sung By The Boy Treble, Aksel Rykkvin.

"Laudate Dominum".
From Vesperae Solennes de Confessore (K. 339), 
by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
Sung by: Aksel Rykkvin (Treble).
Choir: Oslo Domkor (Oslo Cathedral Choir).
Orchestra: IRIS Kammerorkester (IRIS Chamber Orchestra).
Conductor: Vivianne Sydnes.
Available on YouTube at

"Ombra Mai Fu".
From the opera Xerxes (1738), by George Frideric Handel.
Sung by the Boy Treble, Aksel Rykkvin.
Orchestra: The Trondheim Soloists (TrondheimSolistene).
Available on YouTube at

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