Thursday 30 August 2018

Saint Felix And Saint Adauctus. Martyrs. Feast Day, Today, 30 August.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saints Felix And Adauctus.
   Feast Day 30 August.


Red Vestments.

The Glorification of Saint Felix and Saint Adauctus.
Source: Image from English Wikipedia.
This File: 22 September 2006.
User: ChickenFalls.
(Wikimedia Commons)

"At Rome," says The Roman Martyrology, "on The Ostian Way, the passion of Blessed Felix, Priest, under the Emperors Diocletian and Maximian. After being tortured on the rack and condemned to death, while he was led to the place of execution, he met a Christian, who publicly confessed his Faith and was beheaded with him. The Faithful, ignorant of his name, called him Adauctus, which means "Added", because he shared the triumph of Saint Felix (303 A.D.).

Mass: Sapiéntiam.

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encylopaedia.

The Veneration of Saint Felix and Saint Adauctus is very old; they are Commemorated in The Sacramentary of Gregory the Great and in the ancient Martyrologies.

Their Church in Rome, built over their graves, in the Catacomb of Commodilla, on The Via Ostiensis, near the Basilica of Saint Paul-outside-the-Walls, and restored by Pope Leo III, was discovered about three hundred years ago and again unearthed in 1905 (Civiltà Catt., 1905, II, 608). Pope Leo IV, about 850 A.D., is said to have given their relics to Irmengard, wife of Lothair I; she placed them in the Abbey of Canonesses, at Eschau, in Alsace.

They were brought to the Church of Saint Stephen, in Vienna, in 1361. The heads are claimed by Anjou and Cologne. According to the "Chronicle of Andechs" (Donauwörth, 1877, p. 69), Henry, the last Count, received the relics from Pope Honorius III and brought them to the Abbey of Andechs.

The painter, Carlo Innocenzo Carlone (1686–1775), painted The Glorification of Saints Felix and Adauctus (1759–1761), seen above. It was commissioned for the Cupola of the Church of San Felice del Benaco on Lake Garda.

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