Sunday 2 September 2018

Cardinal Burke Responds To The Former U.S. Nuncio’s Explosive Letter About Pope Francis. The Pope Refuses To Comment.

Cardinal Burke speaking at the Rome Life Forum in May 2018.
Photo Credit: don Elvir Tabaković / Propstei_Paring.
Illustration: LIFE SITE NEWS.

This Article is taken from, and can be read in full at, LIFE SITE NEWS

ROME, 26 August 2018 (LifeSiteNews) -- “The corruption and filth which have entered into the life of The Church must be purified at their roots,” said Vatican Cardinal Raymond Burke in response to a Life Site request for comment on the release of Archbishop Carlo Viganò’s testimony.

The eleven-page Letter, issued by the former Papal Representative in The United States, released to LifeSiteNews and a few other outlets, is filled with revelations of scandals within the hierarchy.

“The declarations made by a Prelate of the authority of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò must be totally taken to heart by those responsible in The Church,” said Burke. “Each declaration must be subject to investigation, according to The Church’s time-tried Procedural Law.”

Texas Bishop Urges:
"Thorough Investigation"
Of Allegations Against Pope Francis.

TYLER, Texas. 26 August 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – After the release last night of an explosive Letter by The Vatican’s former Nuncio to The United States, a Texas Bishop said he found the allegations against the Pope and other senior Cardinals to be “credible,” and called for a “thorough investigation.”

Bishop Joseph E. Strickland, of Tyler, Texas, told Priests to “include this Notice in the Masses on
26 August 2018, and post it on their Web-Sites and other Social Media, immediately.”

The principal charge in the eleven-page Letter, by Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, is that Pope Francis knew about sexual abuse of Seminarians by former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, and, nonetheless, removed sanctions that had been imposed against the Cardinal by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI.

Pope Francis talks to journalists aboard a plane,
on 25 August 2018, as part of his two-day visit to Ireland.
Photo Credit: Gregorio Borgia / AFP / Getty Images.
Illustration: LIFE SITE NEWS

Pope Tells Media:
He’s "Not Going To Say A Word"
About McCarrick Cover-Up.

26 August 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – Pope Francis sidestepped questions today about explosive allegations that he knew of former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick’s abuse, and nevertheless lifted Sanctions that Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI had imposed against the Cardinal.

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, who served as Apostolic Nuncio in Washington D.C.,
from 2011-2016, wrote in a Letter published last night that, after Pope Francis’ election, he had communicated the problems about McCarrick to the Pope, but rather than continue the Sanctions, Pope Francis made McCarrick “his trusted counsellor.”

The Pope was questioned about the allegation aboard the Papal plane this evening on the way back to Rome after his visit to Ireland for the World Meeting of Families.

“Read the Statement carefully yourselves and make your own judgement. I am not going to say a word about this,” Pope Francis said.

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