Sunday 16 September 2018

The Home Secretary Has Rejected Demands For Abortion Clinic Buffer Zones. The Little Ones Will Say "Deo Gratias".

This Article is taken from, and can be read in full at, 

Dear SPUC Supporter, 

On 13 September 2018, the Home Secretary made
his long-awaited announcement on buffer zones. 
He said that it would ‘not be a proportionate response’ to introduce national buffer zones. 

I’m sure you will agree with me that this is
a massive victory for common sense, democracy,
and, above all, for the hundreds of vulnerable women who are saved from the horror of abortion
at the very gates of the abortion clinic.

Throughout our campaign to protect Pro-Life Vigils, our thoughts have always been for the mothers who need help, even as they are walking into the abortion clinic, and for the many babies and children alive today because of an encounter with a loving Pro-Life Citizen.

Thank You.

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