Wednesday 21 November 2018

Ohio House Votes To Ban Nearly All Abortions With "Heartbeat Bill". Deo Gratias.

The following Text is taken from, and can be read in full at, LIFE SITE NEWS

By: Calvin Freiburger.

16 November 2018: Following the initial tally, Democrat Rep. Glenn Holmes, and Republican Rep. Marilyn Slaby, cast their votes in favour of HB 258, securing a veto-proof majority. The report has been amended to reflect this information.

COLUMBUS, Ohio, 15 November 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – The Ohio House of Representatives voted Wednesday to pass legislation that would ban the vast majority of Abortions upon detection of a foetal heartbeat.

House Bill 258 would ban committing an Abortion on any pre-born baby with a detectable heartbeat, except in cases of a “substantial and irreversible” physical threat to the mother. Any physician that violates the statute would face up to a year in prison. Pre-born babies’ hearts finish forming around 7-8 weeks into pregnancy.​​

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