Friday 16 November 2018

Saint Gertrude The Great. Virgin. Patroness Of The West Indies. Feast Day 16 November.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Gertrude The Great.
   Feast Day 16 November.


White Vestments.

English: Ecstasy of Saint Gertrude.
Français: Extase de sainte Gertrude.
Italiano: Estasi di Santa Gertrude.
Current location: Abbey of Santa Giustina Italy.,
Photo: 1 June 2016.
Source: Own work.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint Gertrude, called "The Great", was a Cistercian, and a Spiritual daughter both of Saint Bernard and Saint Benedict. Her life was almost entirely spent in the Cloister, which she entered as an Oblate in 1261, at the age of five.

On 27 January 1281, Gertrude being then just over twenty-five, the Spouse of her Soul revealed Himself to her in a wonderful manner. He consoled her in a trial which tormented her, and favoured her with remarkable visions during the following eight years.

At God's command, she related them in a book, entitled "Revelations of Saint Gertrude".

English: Saint Gertrude.
Español: Santa Gertrudis.
Artist: Miguel Cabrera (1695–1768).
Date: 1763.
Current location: Dallas Museum of Art, Texas, United States of America.
Note: Dallas Museum of Art, gift of Laura and Daniel D. Boeckman
in honour of Dr. William Rudolph.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Gertrude, holding in her hand her lighted lamp, awaited the coming of her Spouse. "She died," says The Roman Breviary, "in 1334, consumed rather by the ardour of her love than by disease."

She was proclaimed Patroness of The West Indies, and in New Mexico a town was built in her honour and still bears her name.

Mass: Dilexisti.

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