Tuesday 29 January 2019

Prayers, Please, For Continuing Recovery From Surgery Of A Great Priest. Fr. Timothy Finigan, Parish Priest Of Saint Austin And Saint Gregory, Margate, Kent, England.

Fr. Finigan giving Communion at Saint Austin and Saint Gregory Catholic Church,
Margate, Kent, England. Please remember Fr. Finigan in your Daily Prayers as he is
recovering from surgery. Your Prayers are requested for Fr. Timothy Finigan, Parish Priest at
Saint Austin and Saint Gregory, Margate, who is convalescing after a hospital procedure.
Fr. Finigan's friend, Fr. Z, describes him thus: "Over the years, we have benefited from his great Blog, "The Hermeneutic of Continuity". Fr. Finigan is a terrific Priest, an outstanding Parish Priest, and great supporter of renewal of our Liturgical Worship . . .” and we heartily agree.

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