Sunday 3 February 2019

Get Rid Of Parkinson's.

Illustration: PRODUCED IN KENT

Produced in Kent

Illustration: PRODUCED IN KENT

We are delighted to announce that our chosen Charity for 2019 is Parkinson’s U.K., who will also be celebrating their Fiftieth Anniversary this year.

It seemed only fitting to work with this Charity in a year where we are looking back at the last fifty years at Biddenden, coupled with the fact that Joyce Barnes, Julian’s mother, had Parkinson’s, and so this is a cause close to Biddenden’s heart.

Parkinson’s U.K. offer support and information to those with Parkinson’s and their families, and fund and undertake ground breaking research to advance the understanding of Parkinson’s.

Also, to improve treatments, and campaign to raise awareness, working in partnerships to drive better services.

Produced in Kent

The number of people diagnosed with Parkinson’s in the U.K. has jumped to 145,000 and is expected to rise nearly a fifth by 2025.

Over one million people, including Family Members and Carers, are affected by the condition.

It is now more urgent than ever that we unite to give people with Parkinson’s the support they need, drive better care – and find new treatments and a cure.

We are looking forward to fundraising for Parkinson’s U.K. throughout 2019.

If you would like to find out more about this amazing Charity and the work they do, please visit

Produced in Kent

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