Wednesday 20 February 2019

Saint Cuthbert. Patron Saint Of Northern England. Festival At Durham Cathedral From 20 March 2019 To 23 March 2019.


The Cloisters, Durham Cathedral.
Illustration: SHUTTERSTOCK

Durham Cathedral.

Durham Cathedral's massive Drum Pillars.
Illustration: SHUTTERSTOCK

Saint Cuthbert Festival.

Wednesday, 20 March 2019
to Saturday, 23 March 2019.

The following Text is from DURHAM CATHEDRAL

Durham Cathedral is the resting place of Saint Cuthbert and was built to house his Shrine.

Saint Cuthbert is often referred to as The Patron Saint of Northern England. Every year, we celebrate his life and influence with an array of special Services and events, on and around 20 March, his Saint’s Day.

For 2019, The Saint Cuthbert Festival takes place from Wednesday, 20 March, to Saturday, 23 March. We have special Services, a concert, free tours and a special ticket price into Open Treasure, where the Treasures of Saint Cuthbert are on display.

There is a Local Producers' Market in The Cloisters and Family Fun events. For those who enjoy walking, there is the annual Northumbrian Association's walk from Chester-le-Street to Durham, symbolic of the arrival of the body and Relics of Saint Cuthbert in Durham in 995 A.D., and the formation of The Anglo-Saxon White Church, a precursor of today’s great Norman Cathedral.

Wednesday, 20 March 2019, 7 p.m. - Saint Cuthbert's Day Evensong and Procession

This joyous Service commemorating The Life of Saint Cuthbert includes the Lucernarium (The Blessing of The Light), and the offering of Incense. The Service concludes with a Procession to The Feretory, where Durham Cathedral Choir will sing John Tavener’s Work "Ikon of Saint Cuthbert of Lindisfarne", written specially for Durham Cathedral.

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