Wednesday 27 February 2019

Silly Season Gets Sillier. What Next ? Dead People To Be Named "Non-Living-People" ? All Christian People To Be Named "Silly People" ? You Couldn't Make This Up. Could You !!!

The original Text for this Article can be read in full at STARS AND STRIPES|

Promotional image of Leonard Nimoy as "Spock" from Star Trek: The Original Series.
Date: 1967.
Author: NBC Television.
(Wikimedia Commons)

By JESSICA GRESKO. Associated Press. Published: 25 February 2019.

BLADENSBURG, Maryland. — Steven C. Lowe says he has always thought that a forty-foot-tall concrete Cross, that stands on a large, grassy highway median near his home was odd. [In God's Name, Steven. Why ?]

For years, he said, he didn’t know that the Cross, in Bladensburg, Maryland, is a War Memorial. [In God's Name, Steven. Why ?]

A plaque on the base of the Cross lists the names of forty-nine local residents who died in 
World War I, but it isn’t easily read from the road and getting to the Monument requires dashing across traffic. Lowe said he felt the Cross implied that the City, where it stands, favoured Christians over others. [In God's Name, Steven. Why ?]

“It certainly made me raise my eyebrows,” said Lowe, 68, who is retired from the telecommunications industry. 
 [In God's Name, Steven. Why ?]

In 2014, Lowe, two other local residents, and the District of Columbia-based American Humanist Association, a group that includes Atheists and Agnostics, sued to challenge the Cross. 
 [In God's Name, Steven. Why ?]

They argue that the location of the Cross on public land violates The First Amendment’s establishment clause, which prohibits the government from favouring one Religion over others.  [In God's Name, Steven. Why ?]

The group lost the first round in Court, but, in 2017, an Appeals Court ruled the Cross unconstitutional.  [In God's Name, Steven, why did you take this very strange petition to Court ?]

Hundreds of thousands of American citizens have died defending the Cross. Are you saying they were mistaken, or, perhaps, non-tolerant of other "groups who don't agree with your beliefs" ? Please explain to the rest of the World.

If you can.

Whenever, you're ready.

No rush.

In your own time.

This should be good.

Over to you, old son.

Now, supporters of the Cross are asking The Supreme Court to overturn that Ruling in a Case the Justices will hear Wednesday. [Editor. Which Wednesday, "Stars and Stripes" did not say.]

What next ?

Perhaps, Steven C. Lowe, and the other two residents, and the District of Columbia-based American Humanist Association, a group that includes Atheists and Agnostics, will say that not enough account was taken of those who prefer not to believe in God ?

If so, please explain.

Perhaps, some will sneer at this mention of "God, and such like", and say that not enough account was taken of those who prefer to believe in Star Treks's "Klingon Empire"

Star Treks's "Klingon Empire", et al, includes Spock, who is a fictional character in The Star Trek media franchise. Spock was first portrayed by Leonard Nimoy in the original Star Trek series, and also appears in the animated Star Trek series, a two-part episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation, eight of the Star Trek feature films, and numerous Star Trek novels, comics, and video games.

Spock served aboard the Starship Enterprise, as Science Officer and First Officer, and, later, as Commanding Officer of two iterations of the vessel. Spock's mixed human-Vulcan heritage serves as an important plot element in many of the character's appearances.

Along with Captain James T. Kirk and Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy, he was one of the three central characters in the original Star Trek series and its films. After retiring from Starfleet, Spock served as a Federation ambassador, contributing toward the easing of the strained relationship between the Federation and the Klingon Empire

In his later years, he served as Federation Ambassador-at-Large to the Romulan Star Empire and became involved in the ill-fated attempt to save Romulus from a Supernova, leading him to live out the rest of his life in the parallel timeline introduced in Star Trek (2009).

You couldn't make this up, could you ?



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