Saturday 30 March 2019

The Seven Corporal Works Of Mercy. And The Seven Spiritual Works Of Mercy.

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unless otherwise stated.

The Seven Corporal Works of Mercy, by The Master of Alkmaar,
Artist: Master of Alkmaar.
Date: Circa 1504.
Current location: Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Stained-Glass Window in the Nave of Saint Bonaventure's Church, Raeville, Nebraska, United States of America. Seven of the eight Nave Windows depict The Seven Corporal Works of Mercy. The German inscription at the bottom of this one reads "Die Hungrigen speisen", "Feed The Hungry".
Photo: 31 October 2010.
Source: Own work.
Author: Ammodramus
(Wikimedia Commons)

Feed The Hungry.

Give Drink To The Thirsty.

Clothe The Naked.

Shelter The Homeless.

Visit The Sick.

Visit Those In Prison.

Bury The Dead.

Stained-Glass Window in the Nave of Saint Bonaventure's Church, Raeville, Nebraska, United States of America. Seven of the eight Nave Windows depict The Corporal Works of Mercy. The German inscription at the bottom of this one reads "Die Durstigen tränken", "Give Drink To The Thirsty".
Photo: 31 October 2010.
Source: Own work.
Author: Ammodramus
(Wikimedia Commons)

Admonish Sinners.

Instruct The Ignorant.

Counsel The Doubtful.

Comfort The Sorrowful.

Bear Wrongs Patiently.

Forgive Injuries.

Pray For The Living And The Dead.

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