Sunday 21 April 2019

"Salve Festa Dies". The Easter Processional Hymn, Which Was Composed By Venantius Fortunatus († 609 A.D.).

Illustration: CAMILLUS HOUSE

Illustration: NOT A DEACON YET

"Salve Festa Dies".
Composed by Venantius Fortunatus (+ 609 A.D.).

"Salve Festa Dies".
English: From The Mass and Vespers of Easter.
Sung by the Benedictine Monks of Fontgombault Abbey, France.
Français: Des La Messe et les Vêpres de Pâques,
par les moines bénédictins de Fontgombault (France).
Available on YouTube at

"Salve Festa Dies" is the Title of a Hymn of The Catholic Church, in which we Celebrate The Resurrection of Jesus.

Tradition attributes it to the Latin poet Venantius Fortunatus, who wrote it before
609 A.D. In that case, it would be one of the oldest Hymns passed down.

The Anthem is not included in The Liturgy. It is sung during The Procession at the start of Mass on Easter Sunday.

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