Sunday 12 May 2019

Novena To Our Lady Of Fatima. Day Eight.

This Article is taken from, and can be read in full at, CATHOLICISM PURE AND SIMPLE

We invite our readers to join us in a Novena of Prayer to Our Lady of Fatima, beginning 5 May 2019, and ending on The Feast of Our Lady of Fatima, 13 May 2019.

During this Novena [Editor: Nine Days], let us Pray with confidence for our own personal intentions, as well as for The Conversion of Sinners and for Peace in The World – according to the request of Our Heavenly Mother, herself.

It was 1917, when the three young shepherds heard her plea to: “Pray, Pray very much, and make sacrifices for sinners . . .”, and that urgent message, to make reparation for outrages, sacrileges, and indifference, which greatly offend The Sacred Heart of Our Lord, and to Pray for Peace in The World, is more relevant than ever.

Our Lady of Fatima, Pray for us !

Day 8: Pray For Priests.


Our Lady emphasised Prayer and Sacrifice. If we are willing to Pray and make Sacrifices for the Priesthood, we, the Laity, can become a powerhouse for the good of The Church. Even the holiest of Priests are in great need of our Prayers to fortuitously carry on their Mission of Faithfulness to save Souls.

Raymond Cardinal Burke comments:

“The Third Secret is directed, with particular force, to those who exercise The Pastoral Office in The Church. Their failure to teach The Faith, infidelity to The Church’s constant teaching and practice, whether through a superficial, confused, or even Worldly, approach, and their silence endangers mortally, in the deepest spiritual sense, the very Souls for whom they have been Consecrated to care spiritually. The poisonous fruits of the failure of The Church’s Pastors is seen in a Manner of Worship, of Teaching, and of Moral Discipline, which is not in accord with Divine Law.”


Let us petition Our Lady of Fatima to hear our Prayers for The Conversion of Sinners and for Peace in The World and in our families.

Novena Prayer.

Most Holy Virgin, you appeared at Fatima and revealed, to the three little shepherds, The Treasures of Graces hidden in The Reciting of The Rosary.

Inspire our hearts with a sincere love of this Devotion, so that, by meditating on The Mysteries of our Redemption, we may gather its fruits and obtain The Conversion of Sinners, and The Conversion of Non-Believers throughout The World.

O, Holy Mary, I also ask for the favour that I now so earnestly seek . . .

(Share your request . . .)

O, Mary, may that, which I ask in this Novena, be for The Greater Glory of God, for your own honour, and for the good of all people.



Our Father . . . (three times);
Hail Mary . . . (three times);
Glory Be . . . (three times).


Our Lady of Fatima,

Pray for us !

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