Sunday 26 May 2019

Saint Philip Neri (1515 - 1595). Confessor. Feast Day 26 May.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint Philip Neri.
   Feast Day 26 May.


White Vestments.

Painting of Saint Philip Neri.
Artist: Unknown.
This File: 6 March 2006.
User: Mathiasrex
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint Philip Neri.
Available on YouTube at

Saint Philip, born at Florence in the 16th-Century, left everything to serve The Divine Master (Gospel), and Founded The Congregation of The Oratory.

The Holy Ghost had inflamed him with such love for God (Introit, Alleluia, Secret), that the palpitations of his heart bent two of his ribs (Communion).

He would spend whole nights in the contemplation of Heavenly things, and The Spirit of Truth "taught him true Wisdom" (Epistle). His conversations with Jesus filled him with such intense joy that he exclaimed: "Enough, Love, enough ! "

He loved young men: "Amuse yourselves," he said to them, "but do not offend God."

He died in 1595 on The Feast of Corpus Christi.

Like Saint Philip, with our hearts full of a holy and loving joy, let us run in the way of the commandments of God (Collect).

Mass: Cáritas Dei diffúsa est.
Commemoration: Of Saint Eleutherius.

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