Wednesday 8 May 2019

The Solemnity Of Saint Joseph. Spouse Of The Blessed Virgin Mary. Confessor And Patron Of The Universal Church. The Third Wednesday After Easter Sunday.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

The Solemnity of Saint Joseph.
   Spouse of The Blessed Virgin Mary,
   Confessor and Patron of The Universal Church.
   Third Wednesday after Easter.
   (Wednesday after Good Shepherd Sunday).

Double of The First-Class with an Octave.

   [Note: An Octave was given to this Solemnity, rather than to The Feast of Saint Joseph on 
19 March, because Feasts falling in Lent may not have Octaves.]

White Vestments.

Saint Joseph.
Spouse of The Blessed Virgin Mary. Confessor and Patron of The Universal Church.
Artist: René de Cramer.
"Copyright Brunelmar/Ghent/Belgium".
Used with Permission.

Today's Mass might be represented by a Triptych (see, below), showing us that Saint Joseph is the protector, which Divine Providence has chosen for His Church.

1. The Epistle speaks to us of Joseph, who, in The Old Testament, is a figure of Saint Joseph. The dying Jacob prophesies that his son, Joseph, "shall be the Pastor and Strength of Israel, and that The Almighty shall shower Blessings upon him." And Joseph was established by Pharao over the entire land of Egypt, so that the salvation of all depended upon him. [The Lessons and Responses of The First Nocturn of Matins.] The whole Church has recourse to Saint Joseph with confidence.

2. The Gospel, Collect, and Communion, explaining the connection between The Heavenly Trinity and The Holy Family, this Trinity on Earth, show forth the power of Saint Joseph. Jesus is, at the same time, Son of God and Son of man. Mary is The Spouse of The Holy Ghost, and it is the will of God The Father that Saint Joseph should be considered father of Christ and that he should exercise paternal rights over Him (Preface).

3. Lastly, the Introit, Collects, Alleluia, and Offertory, show us Saint Joseph as the guardian of the new Jerusalem, which is The Church, to watch over her in the midst of all her tribulations.

Full of confidence in the patronage of Saint Joseph, let us honour his Title of Protector on Earth, so as to deserve his help from Heaven (Collect).

Mass: Adjútor.
Preface of Saint Joseph during The Octave.

"Te Joseph Celebrent".
The Hymn (First Tone) of Second Vespers for The Solemnity of Saint Joseph.
Available on YouTube at

Prayer To Saint Joseph.

Prescribed by Pope Leo XIII, for the Month of October,
after the recitation of The Rosary and The Litany of Our Lady.
Indulgence: 300 Days.
21 September 1889.

Unto thee. O Blessed Joseph, do we fly in our

tribulation and, having implored the help of thy
Holy Spouse, we now also confidently seek thy protection.

By that affection which united thee to

The Immaculate Virgin Mother of God, and by thy fatherly love for The Child Jesus, we humbly beg thee to look down with compassion on the inheritance which Jesus Christ purchased with His Blood, and in our need to help us by thy powerful intercession.

Do thou, O prudent Guardian of The Holy Family,

watch over the chosen people of Jesus Christ.

Keep us, O loving father, safe from all error

and corruption. O great protector, from thy place
in Heaven, graciously help us in our contest 
against The Powers of Darkness.

And as of old thou didst rescue The Child Jesus from

the danger of death, so now defend God's Holy Church
from the snares of the enemy and from all adversity.

Extend to each one of us thy continual protection,

that, led on by thine example, and strengthened
by thine aid, we may live and die in holiness,
and obtain everlasting happiness in Heaven.



  1. Thank you Zephyrinus for letting us know about this really beautiful Solemnity to St Joseph. Have just switched from the Novo Breviary to the 1962 one and am realizing how much we lost; many beautiful treasures like this one. And what a super prayer to St Joseph by Leo XIII. Really well done on the website. God bless. Kevin in Dublin Ireland

    1. Dear ''The Thinking Man's Gambit''. Absolutely delighted that you like the Blog. Also, that you have discovered Saint Joseph's Solemnity. You will discover many, many, things that were thrown away. Read them. Savour them. Remember them. Rejoice in them. They have been given back to you and your family and friends. Thank God. Deo Gratias. Ireland needs you and your Prayers. How many Ordinations did Maynooth give The Church, last year ? How many Ordinations did Maynooth previously give The Church over the years ? Discuss. God Bless You. Keep in touch.
