Saturday 1 June 2019

Angels Appointed To Watch Over Us. And The Prayer: "August Queen Of Heaven".

This Article is taken from, and can be read in full at, VULTUS CHRISTI

The Blessed Virgin Mary is Crowned in Heaven by her Beloved Son.

August Queen of Heaven,
Sovereign Mistress of The Angels,

thou who, from the beginning, hast received from God
the power and the mission to crush the head of Satan,
we humbly beseech thee to send thy Holy Legions, that,
under thy command and by thy power, they may pursue
the evil spirits, encounter them on every side, resist their
bold attacks, and drive them hence into Eternal woe.

Who is like unto God ?

O good and tender Mother,
thou willest always to be our love and our hope.
O Mother of God, send thy Holy Angels to defend us
and drive far from us the cruel enemy.
Holy Angels and Archangels, defend us and keep us.


. . . There is one other thing that I want to share with you in this regard: Five years ago, I read Yves Chiron’s biography of Blessed Louis–Edouard Cestac (1801–1868), a French Priest Beatified in May 2015. 

Monseigneur Marc Aillet wrote the Introduction to the book. On 13 January 1864, Blessed Father Cestac was suddenly struck by a ray of Divine Light. He saw devils scattered throughout the Earth, wreaking inexplicable ravages. At the same time, The Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to him.

The Mother of God told Blessed Father Cestac that devils had indeed been let loose in the World, and that the hour had come to Pray to her as Queen of Angels.

The Mother of God invited Blessed Father Cestac to Pray her to send out Legions of Angels to fight and rout The Powers of Hell.

“Mother”, said Father Cestac, no mean Theologian,
“thou, who art so good, couldst thou not send them without being asked ? ”

“No”, answered The Blessed Virgin Mary. 
“Prayer is a condition set by God Himself to obtain Graces”.

“So, Mother”, replied the Priest, “wouldst thou thyself teach me how one must Pray to thee ? ”

And Blessed Father Cestac received from The Most Blessed Virgin the Prayer August Queen of Heaven . . .

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