Thursday 27 June 2019

Profundity. Sanctity. Solemnity. Distinctly Different From Today's Modernistic Church Services.

This painting is currently in The Louvre, Paris, France.
It is a detail from Carreno de Miranda’s Mass of The Foundation of The Trinitarian Order. 
This work was commissioned in 1665 from Francisco Rizi and Juan Carreño de Miranda to adorn The High Altar of The Trinitarian Church at Pamplona, Navarre, Spain. They were the two most renowned Spanish artists of the time. Although Francisco Rizo probably devised the broad outlines of the composition (as is evident from one of
his drawings in The Galleria Degli Uffizi, Florence, Italy), the painting itself
is entirely the work of Carreño, who was the only one to sign it.
This painting marks the high point in the association between the two artists;
while one composes, the other interprets. Rizi and Carreño drew on the Flemish and Italian art of their time in order to bring about a renaissance in their own Country,
thereby bringing Spanish art more into line with that of other European Countries.
Picture Credit: LOUVRE
Illustration: FR. Z's BLOG

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