Sunday 2 June 2019

Saints Marcellinus, Peter, And Erasmus. Bishop. Martyrs. Feast Day 2 June.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saints Marcellinus, Peter, And Erasmus.
   Bishop. Martyrs.
   Feast Day 2 June.


Red Vestments.

Saint Marcellinus.
Seligenstadt, Germany.
Source: Own work.
Author: Agridecumantes
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Exorcist, Peter, sent to prison, under the Emperor Diocletian, converted his gaoler and all his family, and brought them to the Priest, Marcellinus, who Baptised them. The Judge, Serenus, ordered them both to appear before him and they bore witness to Jesus Christ (Gospel). They were condemned to death and, after atrocious torments, were beheaded, towards 303 A.D.

Possessing The First Fruits of The Holy Ghost, they awaited with sighs the adoption of The Children of God, and their sufferings were in nowise compared with the Glory which now shines forth in them (Epistle). Both Saints are mentioned in The Canon of The Mass (Second List). The Station of The Saturday on The Second Week in Lent is held in the Church Dedicated to them.

Saint Erasmus, Bishop in Syria, afterwards Hermit in Lebanon, was cruelly tortured several times in Antioch and in Illyria under the Emperors Diocletian and Maximian. His legend tells us that his entrails were wound round a windlass; he is, therefore, Invoked for internal diseases, as one of "The Fourteen Auxiliary Saints". He died at Formiae, Campania, Italy.

Let us follow the examples of courage and fortitude of these Holy Martyrs, whose merits are our joy (Collect).

Mass: Out of Paschaltide: Clamavérunt.
Mass: In Paschaltide: Sancti tui.

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