Saturday 22 June 2019

Voice For Justice.

This Article is taken from, and can be read in full at,
Voice for Justice UK

Children Not In School.
The Government Consultation into the requirement for all home educating parents in England to register their child with the local authority closes in one week, on June 24th.  The move to make registration of all children compulsory will affect all of us, and not just those who choose to home school, undermining the principle, up to now enshrined in UK law, that the primary responsibility for educating children lies with parents, not the State. 

If approved, it will be but a short step for the Government to make compliance with RSE Regulations and LGBT inclusive curricula obligatory for all children, extending Ofsted oversight and regulation to include home schoolers, as well as registered schools. 

There are many reasons why parents choose to home school their children, but a growing reason is undoubtedly their views on the ideological indoctrination of relationships and sex education, which conflicts with their faith and prematurely sexualises children - promoting and normalising, as it does, medically risky and damaging behaviours that children wouldn't otherwise come across till much older, and at an age when they could more reasonably assess the risk and decide for themselves.

For the protection of the nation’s young, and to defend the right of us all to freedom of belief and of speech, it is vital we respond.  
For full details, and to find the VfJUK Briefing providing guidance on how to respond, as well as a direct link to the online Consultation response form, please click here: 
Slaughter of the innocent –
why Abortion affects us all.
At 200,608, the number of abortions for women in England and Wales for 2018 has reached a record high ( In 2017 there were 192,900 abortions, marking an increase of 4% since 2016, the highest level since 2008.  The current figures show another 4% increase on that figure. 

The evidence is incontrovertible – despite the mass availability of contraception and easy access to the morning-after pill, the numbers, very far from going down, are skyrocketing.  BPAS blames the rise on older women and women who are already mothers, suggesting the higher numbers are result of changes to the benefit system.  They point out that abortion rates amongst teenagers have plummeted, with (only) 1,267 abortions recorded to girls under 16, including 363 for girls under 15.  To VfJUK these figures still sound shockingly high, but, whatever the numbers, they should not be read as indicating that teenagers are acting more responsibly and abstaining from sex.   Rather, the decrease can be attributed to increased provision of contraception, including implants to children as young as 12, the morning-after pill (which some girls are reportedly taking every month ‘like smarties’), and the promotion of oral and anal sex as a method of avoiding pregnancy. 

However viewed, these figures are both scandalous and appalling.  We are casually killing the next generation.  Up to now the acknowledged yardstick for termination has been whether or not the baby is capable of independent existence, taken to be 24 weeks.  In recent years, however, survival outside the womb has become possible from 21 weeks, and will likely go even lower as medicine advances.  Far from making abortion legal up to term, therefore – and killing otherwise healthy babies for no reason other than that, to put it bluntly, they are unwanted - we should be reducing the limit to levels that at least acknowledge their humanity.
Book now for our conference
on 21st September 2019:

Slaughter of the innocent –
why Abortion affects us all.

Abortion – Killing off the human race ? 

Join us calling for a reduction of the time limit for Abortion

When:        Saturday, 21 September 2019.
Where:     Emmanuel Centre, 9-23, Marsham Street,
                  Westminster, London SW1P 3DW.
Time:       10 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Speakers include:

The Rt Hon Sir Jeffrey Donaldson MP
Member of the All-Party Parliamentary Pro-Life Group; Member of Parliament since 1997.

Professor John Wyatt
Professor of Ethics and Perinatology, University College London;
Consultant neonatologist for more than 20 years.

The Rt Revd Dr Michael Nazir-Ali
Former Bishop of Rochester and former Member of the House of Lords,
who also served as a Member of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority.
Author of more than a dozen books. Currently President of OXTRAD.

Tickets:                                              £30

Early bird till June 10th:                      £25 

Concession, student and non-waged: £15

Register here:

And please, if you haven’t yet done so,
sign our petition to The Home Secretary:  

Stop gagging free speech! Defend Christian rights!
In this battle for the soul of our nation, don't let Secular and LGBT activists quash our right to speak and drive Christianity out of the public arena.  
Hold The Line !!!  
 Please, if you can, help support our work.

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All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:

Voice for Justice UK,
P.O. Box 893,
Oxfordshire OX1 9PY,
United Kingdom.

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