Tuesday 16 July 2019

Celebrating Feasts With Greater Festivity.

This Article is taken from, and can be read in full at, LITURGICAL ARTS JOURNAL

. . . One particularly striking manifestation of this was found at Saint Peter's Basilica,
in Rome, where particularly Solemn occasions, such as The Canonisations of Saints,
were marked by Festal Red Banners, hundreds of Candlelit Chandeliers,
and the Candlelit Illumination of the Exterior of the Basilica . . .

Saint Peter's Basilica, Rome, in full Festal Beauty.

Doubtless Readers will see what a difference and impression this makes from the "Ordinary" look of Saint Peter's Basilica. This wasn't unique to Saint Peter's, however, as similar customs can still be found in Churches throughout Italy, Malta, as well as other parts of the World.

In this example above, taken from Malta, you will see how they have not only
utilised the aforementioned Red Hangings, but the Altar has also been ornamented
with taller, more ornate, Candles and Candlesticks. In addition, Silver Reliquaries
have also been placed on the Gradine of The High Altar.

Traditionally, too, Feast Days saw the most precious and beautiful Liturgical items used; from the most wonderful Vestments, to the most ornate Altar adornments. Church Plate and Relics might be displayed, and fresh-cut flowers would frequently be found upon the Altars.

An example, taken from Luzar Vestments, of the stylistic differences
that often characterise the distinction between a more "Ordinary"
day-to-day occasion (Left) and something more Extraordinary (Right).

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