Friday 12 July 2019

First Communion Days.

First Communion Days and True Stories for First Communicants


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This collection of First Communion Day stories has remained popular among children ever since they were first published in the Early-1920s.

They have stood the test of time for two simple reasons: They are wonderful stories, and they are all true.
Even those that are sad, have the power to inspire
young and old with renewed love for Our Lord
in The Blessed Sacrament.

Originally published as two separate books, 
True Stories for First Communicants and
First Communion Days, they were reprinted in 1949
with new illustrations by Rosemary de Souza. 

First Communion Days and True Stories for First Communicants

Years later, in 2003, this 1949 Impression
was brought back into Print by Neumann Press.

We have gone back to the original books, combined both sets of stories under one cover, and have restored the original black and white illustrations by Wilfrid Pippet.

Our family is taking our annual vacation 
beginning 4 July 2019, so all orders placed
after Noon on 3 July 2019 will not be shipped 
until we return on 16 July 2019.

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