Tuesday 23 July 2019

Four Anthems To The Blessed Virgin Mary.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Alma Redemptoris Mater
(Simple Tone).
Available on YouTube at

The first Marian Anthem of The Liturgical Year is "Alma Redemptoris Mater", which is sung from First Vespers in Advent to Second Vespers of 2 February (Feast Day of The Purification of Mary), inclusive.

There is both a Solemn Tone version and a Simple Tone version.

The authorship of this Marian Anthem is attributed to Hermann Contractus († 1054), a Monk of The Abbey of Reichenau.

"Alma Redemptoris Mater"
(Solemn Tone).
Available on YouTube at

"Ave Regina Cælorum"
(Simple Tone).
Available on YouTube at

The second Marian Anthem of The Liturgical Year is "Ave Regina Cælorum", which is sung from Compline on 2 February (Feast Day of The Purification of Mary) until Maundy Thursday, exclusive.

There is both a Solemn Tone version and a Simple Tone version.

The authorship of this Marian Anthem is attributed to Hermann Contractus († 1054), a Monk of The Abbey of Reichenau.

The insertion of this Marian Anthem into The Daily Office Of The Church is attributed to Pope Clement VI (1342 - 1352).

"Ave Regina Cælorum"
(Solemn Tone).
Available on YouTube at

"Regina Cæli"
(Simple Tone).
Available on YouTube at

The third Marian Anthem of The Liturgical Year is "Regina Cæli", which is sung from Compline on Holy Saturday until Trinity Sunday, exclusive.

There is both a Solemn Tone version and a Simple Tone version.

The authorship of this Marian Anthem is attributed to Pope Gregory V († 998 A,D,).

"Regina Cæli"
(Solemn Tone).
Available on YouTube at

"Salve Regina"
(Simple Tone).
Available on YouTube at

The fourth Marian Anthem of The Liturgical Year is "Salve Regina", which is sung from First Vespers of Trinity Sunday until Advent.

There is both a Solemn Tone version and a Simple Tone version.

The authorship of this Marian Anthem is attributed to Adhemar de Monteil, who was The Bishop of Le Puy († 1098).

The three final Invocations were added by Saint Bernard of Clairvaux (1091 - 1153).

"Salve Regina"
(Solemn Tone).
Available on YouTube at

The Divine Office ends as follows:

V.   Divinum auxilium maneat semper nobiscum.

R.   Amen.

V.   May The Divine Assistance remain always with us.

R.   Amen.

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