Thursday 18 July 2019

Saint Camillus De Lellis. Confessor. Feast Day, Today, 18 July.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Camillus De Lellis.
   Feast Day 18 July.


White Vestments.

Our Lady of La Paz Parish Church, Bolivia. (Saint Camillus de Lellis,
Archimedes-Flordeliz Streets, Makati City). List of Barangays of Metro Manila.
Legislative districts of Makati, Barangay La Paz, Makati City.
Photo: 24 July 2016.
Source: Own work.
Author: Judgefloro
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Holy Ghost, Who has manifested Himself in all manner of ways in the Souls of The Saints, whose names have appeared in The Cycle since The Feast of Pentecost, proposes to our admiration on this day Saint Camillus, whose Charity towards his neighbour had specially Jesus in view (Communion).

Born in 1550, in The Kingdom of Naples, of the noble Family of Lellis, Saint Camillus entered The Capuchin Order, but twice he had to leave it on account of a sore on his leg. For God intended him to be The Founder of a Congregation of Regular Clerks, Consecrating themselves to the service of the sick.

He obtained from The Apostolic See approbation for his Order. Inspired by the example of Jesus, Who died for us (Epistle) and Who has declared that there is no greater proof of love than to give one's life for others (Introit, Gospel), these Religious promise to tend the sick, even those stricken with the Plague.

Saint Camillus, as well as his Institute, received from God a special Grace to help Souls to emerge victoriously from the death-struggle (Collect, Secret), wherefore the name of this Saint has been included in the Litany for The Agonising,

Saint Camillus died at Rome on 14 July 1614. Pope Leo XIII proclaimed him the Patron Saint of hospitals and patients, and Pope Pius XI added "and of all those who nurse them".

Mass: Majorem hac.
Commemoration: Saint Symphorosa and her Seven Sons. Martyrs.

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