Friday 23 August 2019

Annual York Pilgrimage In Honour Of Saint Margaret Clitherow (The Pearl Of York) And The York Martyrs. Saturday, 31 August 2019. 1030 hrs.


This Article is taken from, and can be read in full at, LATIN MASS SOCIETY

The Annual Pilgrimage in honour of Saint Margaret Clitherow and The York Martyrs takes place on Saturday, 31 August 2019.

10:30 Assemble at The Bar Convent, Blossom Street, York YO24 1AQ (Near Micklegate Bar), where there will be an opportunity to Venerate The Relic of Saint Margaret Clitherow, in the Chapel.

10:45 Procession, with the statue of Saint Margaret Clitherow, moves off and will pass Ouse Bridge (the place of her execution) and The Shambles (stopping at the house where she lived).

11:45 (approx) Arrive at Saint Wilfrid's Church.

12 noon High Mass followed by Solemn Benediction.

This Pilgrimage is always a great witness to The Catholic Faith and a testament to the devotion of English Catholics to Saint Margaret Clitherow and The York Martyrs. Do come and join us !!! Please help publicise the Pilgrimage by distributing our Poster, which can be downloaded HERE.

Travel by Train.

Both The Bar Convent and Saint Wilfrid's Church are about 10 minutes' walk from the Railway Station.

Travel by Car.

Use of Park and Ride Service is recommended. Please note, the service from Grimston Bar does NOT go to the correct part of York, the others do.

Alternatively, Nunnery Lane Car Park is near The Bar Convent.

When ?

31 August 2019, 10:30.


Saint Wilfrid's Church,
Duncombe Place,
York YO1 7EF.

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