Monday 19 August 2019

Pro-Life Students Win Lawsuit Against Public University For Biased Funding Process. "Brick-By-Brick".

This Article is taken from, and can be read in full at, THE COLLEGE FIX


Feminist and LGBTQ organisations, at California State University-San Marcos, together receive nearly $300,000 from the student government,
each year, to spend as they wish, with no strings attached.

Student clubs at the taxpayer-funded institution, including
its Students for Life chapter, can only apply
for $500 per semester, with many strings attached.

The unlimited discretion of the Gender Equity Centre
and LGBTQA Pride Centre to distribute and withhold mandatory student
fees constitutes “Back-Room Deliberations”, in violation of
The First Amendment, a Federal Judge ruled, Tuesday.

Pro-Life students won their “facial challenge” to the “co-sponsorship funding process” at CSUSM. U.S. District Judge James Lorenz ordered the university to implement “narrowly drawn, reasonable, and definite standards” for applying for funds maintained by the two “community centres.”

Until then, the feminist and LGBTQ centres are not allowed
to use student fees from “objecting students,” such
as Students for Life members, to co-sponsor events.

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