Sunday 11 August 2019

Saint Tiburtius And Saint Susanna. Martyrs. Feast Day 11 August.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Tiburtius And Saint Susanna. 
   Feast Day 11 August.


Red Vestments.

English: The Martyrdom of Saint Tiburtius.
Altarpiece in the Church of Saint Veit, Straubing, Bavaria, Germany.
Deutsch: Cosmas Damian Asam: Das Martyrium von Tiburtius,
Altarbild in der Kirche St.Veit in Straubing, 1703.
Polski: Męczeństwo św. Tyburcjusza z Rzymu.
Date: 1703.
Author: Cosmas Damian Asam (1686-1739).
(Wikimedia Commons)

On the same day, Saint Susanna, a maiden of high birth, who, on account of her vow of Virginity, had refused to marry Galerius Maximus, son of The Emperor Diocletian, was beheaded in her house about 295 A.D.

Her body is preserved with that of her father, Saint Gabinus, and that of Saint Felicitas, mother of The Seven Martyrs, honoured on 10 July, in the Church of Saint Susanna, where The Station is held on The Saturday of The Third Way in Lent.

Mass: Salus autem.

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