Wednesday 21 August 2019

Voice For Justice.

Slaughter of the innocent – why abortion affects us all

 Abortion – Killing off the human race?
Join us calling for a reduction of the time limit for abortion
A message from our patrons
Revd Dr Clifford and Monica Hill
Pressure is mounting to make abortion in this country legal up to birth.  Similarly, in Northern Ireland we have now seen a move to bring in abortion up to birth by the back door, using amendments to the Northern Ireland (Executive Formation) Bill.  The current time limit for abortion in the UK is set at 24 weeks.  Last year in England and Wales we had 200,608 abortions. 

In 2017 there were 755,042live births – the lowest number since 2006 ( /populationandmigration/populationestimates/datasets/ vitalstatisticspopulationandhealthreferencetables).  98% of abortions are performed for social reasons - all of which, taken together, means that last year around one quarter of conceptions would have been terminated, for the simple reason it was not the ‘right time’ for that child to be born. 

Increasingly, with the phenomenal advances in medicine, we are seeing babies born at 21 weeks not just surviving, but growing up to be healthy and strong.  Is it then right that we are depriving so many unborn of the right to life?  Who knows what their contribution to society might not have been had they been allowed to live?

Please make every effort to come to VfJUK’s important conference exploring this genocidal slaughter of the unborn.

Slaughter of the innocent – why abortion affects us all

 Abortion – Killing off the human race?
Join us calling for a reduction of the time limit for abortion
When:          Saturday, 21st September
Where:     Emmanuel Centre, 9-23 Marsham St,
                 Westminster, SW1P 3DW
Time:       10am- 5pm.

Speakers include, amongst others: 

The Rt Hon Sir Jeffrey Donaldson MP
Member of the All-Party Parliamentary Pro-Life Group; Member of Parliament since 1997.

Professor John Wyatt
Professor of Ethics and Perinatology, University College London; Consultant neonatologist for more than 20 years.

The Rt Revd Dr Michael Nazir-Ali
Former Bishop of Rochester and former Member of the House of Lords, who also served as a Member of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority. Author of more than a dozen books. Currently President of OXTRAD.

Tickets:                                                              £30
Concession, student and non-waged:           £15
 If you haven’t yet done so, please sign our petition to the Home Secretary:

Stop gagging free speech! Defend Christian rights!  

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