Monday 23 September 2019

“Salve, Mater Misericordiæ”. “Hail, Mother Of Mercy”. Wonderful 11th-Century Carmelite Hymn To The Blessed Virgin Mary.

“Our Lady of Peace”,
Ushaw, Durham, England.
There is a wonderful story to the sculpting of this magnificent statue of The Blessed Virgin Mary and Child. The Sculptor was a Jewish man, who was commissioned to carry out the sculpting of this statue. He was a Jewish man, when he started work. By the time that he had finished the sculpting, he had converted to The Catholic Faith. On this beautiful statue of The Blessed Virgin Mary and Child, he left a depiction of The Star of David.
Deo Gratias !
Photo: April 2011.
Source: Own work.
Author: Zephyrinus.

Salve Mater Misericordiæ.
Available on YouTube at

Salve Mater misericordiæ,
Mater Dei et Mater veniæ,
Mater spei et Mater gratiæ,
Mater plena Sanctæ Lætitiæ,

Oh, Maria !

Salve decus humani generis.
Salve Virgo dignior ceteris,
quæ virgines omnes transgrederis
et altius sedes in superis.

Oh, Maria !

Salve Mater misericordiæ,
Salve felix Virgo puerpera:
Nam qui sedet in Patris dextera,
Cælum regens, terram et æthera,
Intra tua se clasit viscera.

Oh, Maria !

Salve Mater misericordiæ,
Esto, Mater, nostrum solatium:
Nostrum esto, tu Virgo, guadium,
et nos tandem post hoc exsilium,
Laetos juge choris caelestium.

Oh, Maria !

Salve Mater misericordiae,
Mater Dei et Mater veniae,
Mater spei et Mater gratiae,
Mater plena Sanctae Laetitiae,

Oh, Maria !

English Translation.

Hail, Mother of Mercy,
Mother of God, and Mother of Pardon,
Mother of Hope, and Mother of Grace,
Mother, Full of Holy Gladness.

Oh, Mary !

Hail, Honour of The Mankind.
Hail, Worthier Virgin than the other ones,
because you overcome all of them,
and, in The Heaven you occupy,
the Highest Seat of Honour.

Oh, Mary !

Hail, Mother of Mercy,
Hail, Blest Virgin, yet bearing Child:
For He, Who sits at The Father's Right Hand,
The Ruler of Heaven, of Earth, and Sky,
has sheltered Himself in your womb.

Oh, Mary !

Hail, Mother of Mercy,
Become, Oh, Mother, our solace:
Be, for us, our source of joy,
and, at the last, after this exile,
unite us, rejoicing, to The Choir of Angels.

Oh, Mary !

Hail, Mother of Mercy,
Mother of God and Mother of Pardon,
Mother of Hope and Mother of Grace,
Mother, Full of Holy Gladness.

Oh, Mary !

Our Lady of Mount Carmel, with Carmelites (from Left to Right: Saint John of The Cross, Saint Therese of Lisieux, Saint Simon Stock, Saint Teresa of Avila).

The following Text is from SOCIETY OF SAINT PIUS X

This beautiful Hymn to Our Lady, attributed to The Carmelite Order, expresses our Devotion to her as Our Mother, who is solicitous to the needs of her children.

16 July is The Commemoration of The Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel (a Greater-Double Feast), which also brings to mind The Carmelite Order, The Brown Scapular, and Saint Simon Stock and The Great Mystics, Saint John of The Cross, Saint Teresa of Avila, and The Beloved Little Flower, Saint. Therese of Lisieux.

In connection with The Carmelites, we offer, for the consideration of our Readers, an ancient Chant of this ancient Monastic Order, the popular Latin Hymn, “Salve, Mater Misericordiæ”.

Composed in the 11th-Century, this beautiful Hymn to The Blessed Virgin Mary, exemplifies her role as Mother of All Christians, and, thus, her special role as Mediatrix and Co-Redemptrix.

In addition, we would like to remind our Readers of The Traditional Discalced Carmelite Nuns, located in Spokane, Washington, and Founded by Mother Marie Christiane (Blood Sister of Archbishop Lefebvre).

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