Saturday 7 September 2019

The First Regular Usus Antiquior Sunday Mass In Fifty Years At Annunciation Church, Yonkers, New York, Will Be Celebrated Sunday, 8 September 2019. 1115 hrs.

Annunciation Church,
470 Westchester Avenue, Crestwood, New York 10707.
The Web-Site of Annunciation Church,
Crestwood (Yonkers), New York, can be found HERE

Tomorrow, Sunday, 8 September 2019, at Annunciation Church, Crestwood (Yonkers), New York, Holy Mass will be offered in The Usus Antiquior Form for the first time since the Post-Conciliar Reforms (Vatican II), fifty years ago.

This is being done with the enthusiastic Blessing of The Reverend Robert Grippo, Pastor of Annunciation Church.

The Mass will be a Low Mass, with Homily (Sermon), Celebrated by Dom Benedict Andersen O.S.B., in The Lower Church of Annunciation, at 11:15 a.m., every Sunday.

There will also be Daily Mass in the same place at 6:45 a.m.

Anyone who wants further information should contact:

St. Hugh of Cluny, Pray for us !

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