Sunday 15 December 2019

Reconciliation Of The Old Chapel Of The Visitation, In Puy-en-Velay, On The Feast Of Our Lady Of Mount Carmel. Hence, The French Revolution Failed. “Deo Gratias”.

This Article is taken from, and can be read in full at, FSSPX NEWS

On Tuesday, 16 July 2019, on The Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, the former Chapel of The Convent of The Visitation, at Puy-en-Velay, recently acquired by The Society of Saint Pius X, was Reconciled with The Catholic Religion.

Built in 1655, The Visitation Convent Chapel was desecrated by the revolutionaries, who turned it into a mockery of a Court, judging and condemning to death many Priests, Religious, and Laity, for their Faith and their attachment to The Church.

A Blessed Day Under The Auspices Of
The Virgin Of Carmel And Notre-Dame Du Puy.

These sacrileges, these murders, and these successive profanations, which are so many grave offenses against God, prevented any Religious Worship in this Chapel, as long as it was not “Reconciled” by the Ceremonies provided in Church Ritual.

It was therefore not until 16 July 2019 that this building was restored to its first purpose by the current Prior of the Saint Francis Regis Priory, in Unieux, which serves the site. First, the outer walls are sprinkled with Holy Water, while reciting the “Miserere” (Psalm 50), then all enter the Chapel invoking The Saints of Heaven. Then Psalm 67 is Chanted. Each Verse is preceded by the Antiphon “Exsurgat Deus” [God rises and His enemies disperse, His opponents flee before His face]. Finally, the interior walls are sprinkled with Holy Water; The Mass of The Day can then begin.

The Sermon was an opportunity to evoke the Sanctity of this place, the memory of the daughters of Saint Jeanne de Chantal and Saint Francis de Sales who Sanctified themselves there, the blood shed by many Martyrs, and, of course, the importance of Puy.

A Blessed Day Under The Auspices Of
The Virgin Of Carmel And Notre-Dame Du Puy.

The Chapel of The Visitation is less than 300 metres from The Cathedral of Puy-en-Velay, which Blessed Pope Pius IX established as a Basilica in 1856.

Tradition has it that the Basilica of Puy was Consecrated by the Angels, the same Angels who Celebrate Our Lady of Mount Carmel, as the Introit of The Mass says: “Let us all rejoice in The Lord, Celebrating a Festival Day in honour of The Blessed Virgin Mary, on whose Solemnity the Angels rejoice and give praise to The Son of God.”

If Mass can be Celebrated again, the dilapidated state of the interior of the Chapel is a sorry sight. Major renovation work must be undertaken.

Donations should be addressed to the Saint François-Régis Priory – 31, rue Holtzer – 42240 Unieux, France.

(Source : La Porte Latine – FSSPX.Actualités – 07/30/2019)

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