Monday 30 March 2020

Thanksgiving After Mass And Holy Communion.

From The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Prayer To Jesus Christ Crucified.

A Plenary Indulgence is attached to the recitation of this Prayer before a figure of Christ Crucified, subject to Confession, Communion, and Prayers for the intention of The Sovereign Pontiff.
(Popes Clement VIII, Benedict XIV, Pius VII, Blessed Pius IX, Leo XIII, Pius XI).
Since 1933, one Our Father, one Hail Mary, one Glory Be is sufficient.

Artist: René de Cramer.
"Copyright Brunelmar/Ghent/Belgium".
Used with Permission.

Behold, O most kind and most sweet Jesus,
I cast myself upon my knees in Thy sight,
and with the most fervent desire of my Soul.

I Pray, and beseech Thee, that Thou wouldst impress upon my heart lively sentiments of Faith, Hope, and Charity, with true contrition for my sins and a firm purpose of amendment; while, with deep affection and grief of Soul, I ponder within myself and mentally contemplate Thy Five Wounds, having before my eyes the words which David the Prophet put on Thy Lips concerning Thee: “They have pierced My Hands and My Feet, they have numbered all My Bones” (Psalm xxi. 17, 18).

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