Sunday 24 May 2020

“Quanta Cura Encyclical”. A Study Of “The Syllabus Of Errors”, Which Was Issued By Blessed Pope Pius IX On 8 December 1864, The Feast Of The Immaculate Conception.

Blessed Pope Pius IX
(“Pio Nono”).
Artist: George Peter Alexander Healy (1813–1894).
Date: 1871.
(Wikimedia Commons)


Event Description

Eager to expose the lies of Modernism,
Blessed Pope Pius IX issued a list of eighty condemned beliefs.
Become informed about these falsehoods
which actively dominate popular thought.


William Marshner, S.T.D.

Dr. William Marshner is a founding faculty member at Christendom College and served continuously as Professor of Theology until his retirement from teaching in 2015. A well-known author and Protestant Convert to The Catholic Church, Dr. William Marshner has lectured widely on topics ranging from Islam to The Heresy of Modernism.

Below, is the 2019 Illustration from INSTITUTE OF CATHOLIC CULTURE.

This Lecture is still available to watch and/or listen to.

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This Article is taken from, and can be read in full at,

By: David Clayton.

I thought that NLM Readers might be interested in this series of Seminars that just came to my notice, a study of "The Syllabus of Errors", issued by Blessed Pope Pius IX in 1864, which is being led by Dr William Marshner, Professor Emeritus of Theology at Christendom College.

Each Seminar is recorded and accessible on The Institute of Catholic Culture Web-Site. You can register at REGISTRATION

Eager to expose The Lies of Modernism,
Blessed Pope Pius IX issued a List
of eighty condemned beliefs.

Become informed about these falsehoods,
which actively dominate popular thought.

Register to watch and/or listen to this fascinating subject

I encourage Readers to look at the Schedule of their other Events, including, for example, a Lecture on the Poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins, by Joseph Pearce. Go here for more details.

The following Text is taken from Wikimedia - the free encyclopædia.

The Syllabus of Errors (Latin: Syllabus Errorum) is a Document issued by The Holy See under Blessed Pope Pius IX on 8 December 1864, The Feast of The Immaculate Conception, as an Annex to The Quanta Cura Encyclical.

It condemns a total of eighty errors, or heresies, and, through that, promulgated Catholic Church Teaching on a number of Philosophical and Political questions, and referred to Documents issued previously.

Reaction from Catholics was mixed, while that from Protestants was uniformly negative. The Document remains controversial, and has been cited on numerous occasions by both Catholic Traditionalists, seeking to uphold Traditional Catholic values, and Anti-Catholics seeking to criticise The Church’s positions.

The purpose of “The Syllabus of Errors” was not to explain in depth “The Errors”, themselves, but only provide a list of them, with a short paraphrasing of “The Error” and references to the corresponding Papal Documents.

The actual Encyclicals, listed, reveal what it is about “The Error” that is incorrect, and, in which situations or nuances or emphasis.

In order to understand The Pope’s argument against each Error, one must read, not only “The Error”, itself, but the Document to which it points.

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