Sunday 10 May 2020

The 2020 Sacred Liturgy Conference. “Incarnation In The Eucharist”. To Be Held In Spokane, Washington. From 9 June 2020 - 12 June 2020.

This Article is taken from, and can be read in full at,

In this day and age, to have a successful Liturgical Conference is already a great accomplishment; but, to be announcing The Eighth Annual Liturgical Conference is something to boast about !!!

The Sacred Liturgy Conference has taken place at various locations in The Pacific North-West for the past seven Summers, under the auspices of The Schola Cantus Angelorum.

This year, it will be held 9 June 2020 -12 June 2020, in Spokane, Washington, once again on the campus of Gonzaga University, Saint Aloysius Catholic Church, and The Cathedral of Our Lady of Lourdes, where it was successfully hosted last year.

This year’s theme is: “Incarnation in The Eucharist.” His Eminence Gerhard Cardinal Müller will give the keynote address, and will Celebrate The Pontifical Mass of Corpus Christi, with Eucharistic Procession, and Benediction at The Cathedral of Our Lady of Lourdes.

The 2020 Sacred Liturgy Conference Video
is available HERE

Other distinguished faculty members include:

Rev. Cassian Folsom, O.S.B.;
Dom Alcuin Reid;
Dr. John Haas;
Mother Miriam of The Lamb of God, O.S.B,;
Rev. Pius Pietrzyk, O.P.;
Rev. Gabriel Mosher, O.P.;
Dr. Anthony Clark;
Dr. Kevin Clarke;
Dr. Ed Schæfer;
Rev. Theodore Lang;
Lucas Viar;
Alex Begin;
Doug Schneider.

The Sacred Liturgy Conference is the largest Liturgical Conference in North America, with participants coming from all over the World.

Its Mission is to enrich knowledge and understanding of The Liturgy, so that Catholics may participate ever more deeply in The Sacrificial Offering of Our Lord Jesus Christ in The Holy Mass.

The 2020 faculty will illuminate the Incarnation as inseparable from the Cross, Resurrection, and the Holy Eucharist. The four Masses will be celebrated in the two forms of the Roman Rite and in the Dominican Rite, with the sacred music prescribed by the Church.

To find out more specifics about the schedule, accommodations, and how to register for the conference, go to You may also call (503) 558-5123 or email An “Early Bird Special” rate is available through March 1, 2020.

A video about this year’s conference:

Last week, Dr. Tom Curran, of My Catholic Faith Ministries, interviewed Dr. Lynne Bissonnette, Executive Director of The Sacred Liturgy Conference, to discuss the origins of the Conference, the gift of The Sacred Liturgy, and The Incarnation.

Later in the programme, Tom explores the different Rites of The Mass and the stewardship of perpetual Adoration.

The audio may be accessed or downloaded HERE.

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