Thursday 4 June 2020

A Win For Life !!! Northern Ireland Assembly Rejects ABORTION Regulations And Disability ABORTION.


A Win For Life !!!
Northern Ireland Assembly
Rejects ABORTION Regulations
And Disability ABORTION.

A light of hope shone out this week as a DUP Motion opposing the ABORTION regulations being imposed by Westminster - and also opposing ABORTION on Disability grounds - was passed in The Northern Ireland Assembly.

While the Motion cannot overturn the Westminster vote, it sends a strong signal that the imposition of ABORTION is unacceptable to the majority of people in the region.

Well done to all the Pro-Life Politicians and Pro-Life Groups, such as “Precious Life” and “Youth For Life”, who worked so hard to make this happen.

And a special thanks to the amazing Heidi Crowther !!!

See more in the Report at LIFE INSTITUTE

God Bless.

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