Saturday 25 July 2020

Please Pray For Rev. Fr. Charles Briggs, Parish Priest Of Saint Mary's Catholic Church, Chislehurst, Kent. And For His Parishioners.

Reverend Fr. Charles Briggs.
Parish Priest, Saint Mary's,
Chislehurst, Kent.

A Message From Fr. Charles Briggs
To All His Many Friends And Parishioners.

“Your Prayers would naturally be very much appreciated. As a Priest, I am well familiar with The Truths of our Faith concerning the last things of Death, Judgement, Hell, and Heaven, but the end of life here below is a trial for which none may presume on being fully prepared to face.

“I will offer up my sufferings; for you, my dear family and friends, in reparation for my sins, and in union with our dear Saviour’s redeeming Sacrifice on The Cross.

“My apologies if I do not get to say “Goodbye” personally, but, as Saint Thomas More said: “Pray for me, as I will for thee,
that we may merrily meet in Heaven” ”.

Fr. Charles Briggs.

Dear Jesus: Pray for him.
Dear Holy Mother Mary: Pray for him.
Dear Saint Charles Borromeo: Pray for him.

Letters and Cards for Fr. Briggs can be sent to:

Saint Mary's Catholic Church,
28, Crown Lane,
Kent BR7 5PL,


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