Friday 7 August 2020

Saint Cajetan. Confessor. Feast Day 7 August.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint Cajetan.
   Feast Day 7 August.


White Vestments.

English: Saint Cajetan.
Italian: San Gætano di Thiene.
Latin: Sanctus Caietanus.
Artist: Francesco Solimena (1657–1747).
This File: 22 February 2006.
User: Mathiasrex
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Theatine Order of Priests.
Montelores Catholic Community,
Colorado, United States of America.

Saint Cajetan.

Saint Cajetan Founded the first Congregation of Clerks Regular, who endeavour to imitate the manner of life of The Apostles (Collect). Trust in God, which the Gospel recalls, was their great law; they therefore refrained from begging alms and waited until The Faithful brought them help of their own accord. They are also called Theatines.

This Saint's zeal for others' Salvation caused him to be called The Hunter of Souls. It was said that he was an Angel at The Altar and an Apostle in The Pulpit. He died at Naples on 7 August 1547.

Mass: Os justi.
Commemoration: Saint Donatus.

Saint Cajetan Thiene.
Born 1 October 1480. Died 7 August 1547, Naples, Italy.
Feast Day 7 August. Canonised: 12 April 1671 by Pope Clement X. Statue created circa 1671. The statue is part of a group of sixteen statues that were installed between August 1670 and March 1673. The Sculptor, Lazzaro Morelli, worked from January to March 1671 on the statue. He was paid 80 scudi for the work. The Saint is in the act of writing out The Rule for his Religious Order. Saint Cajetan, originally from Naples, was the Founder of The Congregation of Clerics Regular, also known as The Theatines. He also worked as a diplomat for Pope Julius II, and was fortunate to escape with his life during
The Sack of Rome in 1527.

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopædia.

Gætano dei Conti di Thiene (1 October 1480 – 7 August 1547) was an Italian Catholic Priest and Religious Reformer, Co-Founder of The Theatines. He is recognised as a Saint in The Catholic Church, and his Feast Day is 7 August.

The following Text is from CATHOLIC CULTURE

Saint Cajetan was Ordained Priest in 1516. He left The Papal Court and dedicated himself entirely to the service of The Lord. With his own hands, he cared for the sick. Such zeal did he show for the salvation of his fellowmen, that he was surnamed the "huntsman for Souls."

Saint Cajetan often Prayed eight hours daily. While attending the Christmas Celebration at Saint Mary Of The Crib, he is said to have been given the Grace of receiving from Mary The Child Jesus into his arms.

Saint Cajetan Founded, in 1524, a Community of Priests who were to lead an Apostolic life. They were to look with disdain on all Earthly belongings, to accept no salaries from The Faithful; only from that which was freely donated were they allowed to retain the means of livelihood.

He founded a Bank to help The Poor and offer an alternative to usurers (loan sharks). It later became The Bank of Naples. His concern for the unemployed, giving them the necessary financial help in their time of need, made him their Patron. His Feast Day is Celebrated on 7 August.

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