Thursday 13 August 2020

Saint Hippolytus And Saint Cassian. Martyrs. Feast Day 13 August.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Hippolytus And Saint Cassian.
   Feast Day 13 August.


Red Vestments.

English: Stained-Glass Window depicting Saint Hippolytus,
Lassay-les-Chateaux, France.
Français: Vitrail de l'église Saint-Hippolyte
de Niort-la-Fontaine, France.
Photo: 9 July 2015.
Source: Own work.
Author: GO69
(Wikimedia Commons)

The legend in The Breviary tells us that Hippolytus, who was to guard Saint Laurence in his prison, was converted by the Saint.

He was Martyred in the 3rd-Century A.D. and was buried not far from the tomb of Saint Laurence, where a Church was built in his honour.

On the same day in 363 A.D., Cassian of Imola, a School-Master, was delivered, with his hands tied behind his back, to his young pagan pupils, who pierced him to death with their stilettos.

Mass: Salus autem.

Church of Saint Hippolytus,
Ryme Intrinseca, Dorset, England.
Photo: 18 April 2007.Source: From
Attribution: Mike Searle / Church of St Hippolyte,
Ryme Intrinseca / CC BY-SA 2.0
Author: Mike Searle.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopædia.

Hippolytus of Rome (170 A.D. - 235 A.D.) was one of the most important 3rd-Century A.D. Theologians in The Church in Rome, where he was probably born. Photios I of Constantinople describes him in his Bibliotheca (Cod. 121) as a Disciple of Irenaeus, who was said to be a Disciple of Polycarp, and, from the context of this passage, it is supposed that he suggested that Hippolytus so styled himself. However, this assertion is doubtful.

He came into conflict with The Popes of his time and seems to have headed a schismatic group as a rival to The Bishop of Rome. He opposed The Roman Bishops who softened the Penitential System to accommodate the large number of new pagan converts. However, he was very probably reconciled to The Church when he died as a Martyr.

Starting in the 4th-Century A.D., various legends arose about him, identifying him as a Priest of the Novatianist schism or as a Soldier converted by Saint Lawrence. He has also been confused with another Martyr of the same name.

Pope Pius IV identifies him as "Saint Hippolytus, Bishop of Pontus", who was Martyred in the reign of Emperor Alexander Severus, through his inscription on a statue found at the Church of Saint Lawrence, in Rome, and kept at the Vatican, as photographed and published in Brunsen.

“Cassianus (Cassian) of Imola, killed by his students”.
From The Martyrs Mirror. An etching by Jan Luyken (1649-1712).
Date: 17th-Century.
Author: Jan Luyken
(Wikimedia Commons)

Cassian, or Saint Cassian of Imola, or Cassius, was a Christian Saint of the 4th-Century A.D. He was The Bishop of Brescia.

His Traditional date of Martyrdom is 13 August 363 A.D., hence 13 August is his Feast Day on The Roman Calendar. Cassian is the Patron Saint of Mexico City, Imola, Italy, and of Parish Clerks. Comacchio Cathedral, Italy, is Dedicated to him. He is also the Patron Saint of the localities of San Casciano in Val di Pesa, Italy, and Las Galletas, Tenerife, Spain.

Little is known about his life, although the Traditional accounts converge on some of the details of his Martyrdom. He was a Schoolmaster at Imola, but rather than sacrifice to the Roman gods, as so ordered by the, then, current Emperor, Julian the Apostate, he was condemned to death and turned over to his own students (some authorities write that this event took place during the reign of Emperor Diocletian).

Since they were eager for revenge for the many punishments he had inflicted on them, they bound him to a stake and tortured him to death by stabbing him with their pointed iron styli, the devices then used to mark wooden or wax writing tablets.

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