Monday 19 October 2020

Recalcitrant Bird-Watchers Admonished By The Norfolk Constabulary.

Norfolk Police are warning people not to breach 
Covid Health and Safety Regulations,
as bird-watchers gathered to see a rare bird
(a Rufous-Tailed Scrub Robin)
in Wells-next-the-Sea, Norfolk, recently.

“It’s not here”.

“It’s flown away”.

“Now Clear Off”.



  1. Lewis Carroll had no idea how topsy-turvy the year 2020 would be. Down the rabbit hole we go!

    1. Thank You, Dante Peregrinus, as always for your most welcome Comment.

      I agree. 2020 has gone seriously topsy-turvy. Unimaginable.

      If it gets any worse, I'm off to The Monastery !!!

  2. Exactly! “Hie we to The Monastery!”

    Although I have to laugh a little bit:

    When I was newly arrived in very hot and dry Phoenix Arizona, some of the lads said they were going off to “The Monastery” after work one day. Silly me, I thought they were going to Vespers at a Benedictine Monastry, so, interested, I asked them, “Oh is there a Catholic Monastery around here?”

    Well, “The Monastery”... was a pub and grill!

    I should have known better 🤔

    1. A damn good chuckle, Dante Peregrinus !!! It reminds me of when, as a callow Youth, I was asked by my newly-acquired fellow Flat-Mates, just before Lunchtime: "Would you like a Joint ?" I replied: “No, Thank You. I've already eaten”. This elicited several stunned and non-comprehending looks !!!
