Monday 26 October 2020

Two Ordo Or Not Two Ordo ? That Is The Question. Whether ’Tis Nobler In The Mind To Suffer The Slings And Arrows Of Outrageous “Missalettes” !!!


Illustration is of the 2016 Edition of The ORDO.

Available soon !!!

The ORDO 2021
for The Extraordinary Form of The Mass.

ORDO 2021 will be available for despatch very soon.

Please watch this space on THE SAINT LAWRENCE PRESS LTD

A new Cart for ORDO 2021 will be set up when it is available.
It would be much appreciated if people did not order the 2020 Edition, hoping to get the Ordo 2021.

It is gratifying and pleasing to see so many enquiries already about the
2021 Edition. ORDO 2020 sold very well, with many new customers
from around the World, as a new generation starts to understand
the richness of The Roman Liturgy and to follow the Praxis of previous generations, now gone to The LORD.

November is, of course, a most suitable time to remember them.

Illustration is of the 2016 Edition of The ORDO.

In addition, Fr Hunwicke comments on HIS ORDO (see, below),
for The Ordinary Form of The Mass,

"For those who are Ordinary Form chaps and chappesses,
but would enjoy something which somewhat elevates bog-standard Bugnini,
I commend The ORDO which I still compile.

“Order for The Eucharist and for Morning and Evening Prayer
in The Church of England 2021.
It gives full information, both for The Novus Ordo Roman Rite
(Third Typical Edition of The Roman Missal)
and for The Church of England (Common Worship).
Tufton Books. (By the way, it starts with Advent.)"

Please NOTE: The above text for Fr. Hunwicke is taken from 2015.
No doubt, Fr Hunwicke's 2021 ORDO will be available soon.
Please keep an eye on his Blog

Illustration is of the 2016 Edition of The ORDO.

For those who are Ordinary Form chaps and chappesses,
but would enjoy something which somewhat elevates bog-standard Bugnini,
Fr. Hunwicke commends this ORDO.
Please NOTE: The 2021 Edition will be available very soon.
Illustration: TUFTON BOOKS

Two Ordo, or not Two Ordo: That is the question.
Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous “Missalettes”,
Or, to give arms against a sea of troubles,
And, by opposing, end them. To know what Feast it is.
And have a damn good read.

(With Apologies)


  1. “Bog-standard Bugnini..” (Fr. Hunwicke)

    Pretty good! 🤣

    1. Dear Dante Peregrinus. Thank you for your welcome Comment.

      I agree. Fr. Hunwicke has it absolutely right when he addresses the so-called Liturgy, instigated by Bugnini, as “Bog-standard”. God preserve us !!!
