Monday 12 October 2020

Wells Cathedral. An Occasional Update On England’s Magnificent Cathedrals.

Wells Cathedral.
Available on YouTube at

The following Text is from WELLS CATHEDRAL NEWSLETTER

A Message from The Dean, The Very Reverend Dr John Davies.

Saint Luke’s Day falls in October – and Saint Luke is often taken to be a doctor.

So, that afternoon, on Sunday, 18 October 2020, we are holding a special Evensong, to Pray for and give thanks for The NHS. Details are contained in this Newsletter.

The Wells Cathedral Web-Site can be found

More deeply, everything here is for the healing of our Society in very troubled and difficult times. Beautiful music offered by the Choir, on the organ, or instrumentally; well attended, well ordered Services; the beauty of the sublime architecture; and there are candles to light, stillness to explore, and a sense of comfort to absorb.

Everything here is for the healing and mending of hurting Souls. You will be very, very welcome.

John Davies
Dean of Wells

Latest News

Culture Recovery Fund awarded by DCMS.

The Chapter is delighted to announce that the Cathedral has been awarded a grant of £201,300 from the Culture Recovery Fund for Heritage; part of the £1.57 billion Government rescue package for UK cultural and heritage organisations.

This funding will help secure the financial viability of the Cathedral as the battle against the economic impacts of Coronavirus continues.

Along with six other successful applications from Churches in the Diocese of Bath and Wells, the Cathedral can continue to be #HereForYou and #HereForCulture.

The latest Wells Cathedral Newsletter can be found at WELLS CATHEDRAL


  1. Very interesting. The pipe organ is supposed to be a 1910 Harrison & Harrison, expanded from a Henry Willis instrument, as Zephyrinus knows well, two of the great English pipe organ builders. 67 stops and 4 manuals. It must be absolutely magnificent to hear those English diapasons and tubas 😊

    1. Dear Dante Peregrinus. Thank you for your most interesting Comment and contribution. You have now increased my knowledge of English pipe organ builders.

      I am most grateful.

      in Domino
