Saturday 7 November 2020

Mass Of Reparation For All The Abortions That Have Been Carried Out.

This Article is taken from, and can be read in full at,

By kind invitation of The Shrine Of Our Lady Of Guadalupe, in Bedford, on Saturday, 14 November 2020, 1200hrs, there will be a Mass Of Reparation for all the Abortions carried out. 

Due to current restrictions, the Church has a capacity of eighty people. If you wish to attend, it is important that you contact Barbara Kay, The LMS Representative for Bedford, by E-Mail in advance, informing her of your name and the number of people from your household attending.

The Shrine of The Miraculous Relic Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe is housed in the Church of The Holy Child and Saint Joseph, 2 Brereton Road, Bedford MK40 1HU.

When ?
14 November 2020.
1200 hrs.

2, Brereton Road,
Bedford, MK40 1HU.

Latin Mass Society:
Tel: 020 7404 7284.


  1. Thank you for the encouraging note about the Mass Nov. 14, noon UK time, (5 AM in the Western US) for victims of abortion. We will meet them all some day on the Day of Judgment, And we hope that we will be able to say we did all within our power to blunt this evil scourge. We in the US will join in spirit at that hour.

    A traditional priest reminded me that there is a special indulgence granted for visiting an image of Our Lady of Guadalupe on any of the five Sundays before December 12, and reciting prayers venerating her.

    Thank you, Frater Zephyrinus!

    1. Dear Dante Peregrinus. Thank you very much, indeed, for your most apposite, interesting, and important, Comment.

      I was unaware of the Special Indulgence that you mentioned. Thank you for that. No doubt, many Readers will be grateful for that information.

      Your Comment, reference “ . . . we will be able to say that we did all within our power to blunt this evil scourge of Abortion”, is a great comfort to those of The Faithful who despair at this greatest evil that The World has ever known.

      To know that The Faithful in The United States will join us, in Spirit, at the same hour of The Divine Mass in Reparation, is a wonderful support. Thank You.

      in Domino
