Wednesday 4 November 2020

Saint Vitalis And Saint Agricola. Martyrs. Feast Day, Today, 4 November.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Vitalis And Saint Agricola.
   Feast Day 4 November.


Red Vestments.

Painting of the Christian Martyrs, Vitalis and Agricola,
Bologna, Italy.
Date: 7 April 2014.
Source: Own work.
(Wikimedia Commons)

English: The Sarcophagus of Saint Agricola,
(also known as "The Seven Churches", Bologna, Italy.
Italiano: Complesso monumentale della Basilica di Santo Stefano
a Bologna (detto anche "Le sette chiese"): Basilica dei santi
Date: 27 April 2007.
Source: Own work.
Author: M.Violante
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint Vitalis and Saint Agricola.
Available on YouTube at
"At Bologna," says The Roman Martyrology, "The Holy Martyrs Vitalis and Agricola; the first a servant of the latter, who became his companion and colleague by Martyrdom in 304 A.D.

"His persecutor exhausted on him [Editor: Saint Vitalis] every kind of torment, and not a part of his body was left free of wounds. He suffered these tortures with fortitude and he died Praying.

"Saint Agricola was Crucified. The Translation of the Relics of both Saints took place in the presence of Saint Ambrose, who says that he collected the nails, his glorious blood, and the Cross on which Saint Agricola was nailed, and placed them under The High Altar."

Mass: Sapiéntiam.

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