Friday 13 November 2020

The Feast Of All Monks Of The Benedictine Order (O.S.B.). Today, 13 November.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

In The Supplement For The Order Of Saint Benedict, contained within The Saint Andrew Daily Missal, there is listed all The Feasts associated with that Religious Order.

On 13 November is Celebrated The Feast Of All Monks Of The Benedictine Order (O.S.B.).

The Feast Of All Monks Of The Benedictine Order (O.S.B.).
   13 November.

Double of The Second-Class.

White Vestments.

Up to the end of the 16th-Century, there was no General Feast of this name for the whole Benedictine Order, since “The Order Of Saint Benedict”, in the modern sense, was unknown.

In individual Monasteries, as Monte Cassino, Cluny, Fontenelle, etc, a Feast of all the Saints proper to the Monastery was observed, on different dates; only by the Revision of The Monastic Breviary, by Pope Saint Paul V, in 1612, a General Feast of All Holy Monks of The Benedictine Order was instituted, on 13 November.

Mass: Gaudeámus omnes.
Epistle: Exhibeámus.
Gospel: Ecce nos relíquimus (from The Common of Abbots).
Creed: Is Said or Sung.
Preface: Of Saint Benedict (Page 19 in The Supplement For The Order Of Saint Benedict, contained within The Saint Andrew Daily Missal).


  1. St.Benedict ora pro nobis
    God bless

    1. Thank You, Andrew, for your Comment.

      Saint Benedict Ora Pro Nobis.

  2. Once again, “Dom” Zephyrinus, You dazzle us with not well-known fact. In fact at least two here: that the Benedictines, despite their many abbeys and monasteries, were not recognized as a “single” order until late in Church history (even though they all sprang from the same Rule of Saint Benedict); And second, that this date was a feast day for all the holy and unknown saintly monks.


    1. Dear Dante Peregrinus. Thank you for your welcome Comment.

      Delighted this Post was of interest to you.

      in Domino
