Friday 6 November 2020

The Sanctoral Cycle.

Text is from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Pope Saint Pius X, in his Bull “Divino Afflatu”, promulgated 1 November 1911, points out the order to be observed in The Celebration of The Feasts of Saints, which, in the course of the year, come in among those of The Cycle of The Mysteries of Our Lord's Life [Editor: “The Temporal Cycle”].

The first place in the order is given to The Blessed Virgin Mary.

Then come The Holy Angels.

Next, according to the greater or lesser share they have in The Plan of The Incarnation:

Saint John the Baptist, the Precursor of The Messias;

Saint Joseph;

Saint Peter and Saint Paul and the other Apostles, whose Feasts have always been Celebrated with special Solemnity;

The Feasts of National Saints, Patrons of Dioceses and Parishes, come in The First Rank because of special gratitude due to them;

Next, come Feasts of Dedication of Churches;


Pontiffs, i.e., Popes or Bishops;

Doctors of The Church, i.e., Fathers of The Church, the authorised interpreters of The Word of God;

Confessors, i.e., those, who, by their life or doctrine, have Confessed Christ;

Virgins and other Holy Women.

The most important and the most numerous Solemnities of this Cycle, especially those of The Time After Pentecost, bring into full light The Cycle of Christ, for it is by Him that the World must be renewed: “Instaurare omnia in Christo” [Editor: “Restore All Things In Christ”]

Resting one upon the other, these two Cycles [Editor: The Sanctoral Cycle and The Temporal Cycle] form, as it were, an immense Monstrance, set with Precious Stones. In the centre, is The Host, or, “The Mass of The Faithful”, with the three parts which constitute it: The Offertory; The Consecration; The Communion.

Around it, is “The Mass of The Catechumens”, which varies every day, whereby, at The Altar, as with Luminous Rays, we are shown the different Mysteries on each Sunday and Solemnity of The Proper of The Time. Then, in the intervals left free, like lesser Rays, shine The Feasts in honour of The Saints.

The Church carries this Divine Sun through the World in all times, raises it daily towards Heaven in her Liturgical Worship, that, by it, we may offer to God an ever-renewed homage of our gratitude, and receive, from it, the treasures of Grace and Holiness.

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