Saturday 5 December 2020

Christmas Services At Durham Cathedral.


Christmas Services
at Durham Cathedral
can be found HERE


  1. Thank you for the tip on Gloucester cathedral and on Durham cathedral here; Durham Yes to me one of the most extraordinary and beautiful houses of worship; and by the way, as Zephyrinus no doubt knows, it has an outstanding pipe organ by Henry Willis (ca. 1870) with subsequent additions by the firm of Harrison & Harrison in the 20th century. Examples of its sound abound on YouTube.

    1. Dear Dante Peregrinus. As always, Thank You for your welcome Comment and contribution. I concur. Gloucester Cathedral and Durham Cathedral are magnificent edifices of Sacred Worship. To me, they are Catholic Cathedrals, which utilised Divine Catholic Liturgy for over a thousand years. The very walls, stones, and foundations, are Divinely Blessed.

      Durham, indeed, has a magnificent Pipe Organ. Treat yourselves and listen on YouTube to Durham Cathedral's wonderful Liturgy.

      In Domino.
