Saturday 26 December 2020

“Pulcherrima Rosa”. 15th-Century Motet To The Blessed Virgin Mary. “The Most Beautiful Rose”.

Illustration: PINTEREST

“Mon Jésus, Je Vous Aime, et me donne á Vous pour toujours”.
“My Jesus, I love You, and give myself to You for always”.
Illustration: PINTEREST

“Pulcherrima Rosa”
(The Most Beautiful Rose).
By: The Hilliard Ensemble and Jan Garbarek.
The Chapel of Jesus College, Cambridge, England.
Available on YouTube at

Pulcherrima rosa de spina floruit
Ex flore germinosa lilium genuit
Servans pudorem ex virgineo more
Peperit factura factura factorem.

Virgo singularis te nulla dignior
Fulgens stella maris luna lucidior
Sic succuristi regina mundo tristi
Eve matris sic quae noxam que solvisti.

Esto nobis grata tis aput filium
Mater advocata post hoc exilium
Nos per iuvamen pater natus ac flamen
Tuum mater virgo solvat omnes.


Latin Text: CPDL

“Pulcherrima Rosa”.
Codex Speciálník.
Gemini Musicales.
Available on YouTube at

Most Beautiful Rose, blooming from a thorn
From the budding flower, a Lily born
Serving modestly and in a Virginal way
The created one bore The Creator

Unique Virgin, no-one is worthy of you
Gleaming Star of The Sea, Light and The Moon
Serving modestly and in a Virginal way
The created one bore The Creator
Such succour Queen of this sad World
And Mother of Eve who lightens our punishment

Serving modestly and in a Virginal way
The created one bore The Creator
Freely for us, beside your Son, Mother and witness
After this Earthly exile
Serving modestly and in a Virginal way
The created one bore The Creator.


English Text: DATAB.US

Illustration: PINTEREST

"Rosa Mystica" (Mystical Rose) is one of Our Lady's beautiful Titles.
It is included in the recitation of The Litany to Our Lady (The Litany of Loreto).


  1. As usual,Zephyrinus, absolutely beautiful images and music. A spiritual feast for the heart.

    And an ode to the Blessed Virgin in Nativity Octave.

    1. As always, Dante Peregrinus, Thank You for your welcome Comment and observations.

      Octaves, generally speaking, were eradicated in 1955 by Pope Pius XII and Bugnini, with the exception of Christmas, Easter, and Pentecost.

      Pope Paul VI went further and, in 1969, got rid of The Octave of Pentecost.

      This particular Post and its publication goes some way to counter these losses and travesties in The Liturgical Feasts of The Church.

    2. Plus, of course, this most beautiful ode to The Blessed Virgin Mary during The Octave of Christmas is one that, surely, should not be overlooked.

  2. A very good observation about the Bugnini agenda against solemn feast octaves.

    As well as the Bugnini agenda against several Marian feasts (such as, the elimination of the Divine Maternity of the BVM, Most Pure Heart of Mary, Our Lady of La Salette [for obvious reasons], and Our Lady of Perpetual Help, to name a few), and his fury at feasts of the angels (Eliminating St. Raphael’s & St. Gabriel’s feasts, and allegedly wanted to remove the Holy Guardian Angels Oct. 2nd feast from the calendar as well).

    It is a mystery how Bugnini, who had no advanced degree in liturgy or church history, and only a minor prior career, ever obtained so much influence over so many popes (Pius XII, John XXIII, & Paul VI).

  3. Again, Dante Peregrinus, Thank You for your welcome Comment.

    “It is a mystery how Bugnini, who had no advanced degree in liturgy or church history, and only a minor prior career, ever obtained so much influence over so many popes (Pius XII, John XXIII, & Paul VI)”.

    One is put in mind of the same sort of control and influence (and direction) that another, so-called, Clergyman, Grigori Rasputin, managed to obtain over The Russian Royal Family in the Early-20th-Century.

    It has been mooted that, in both cases, dark powers were at work.
