Sunday 6 December 2020

Zephyrinus Has Been Invited To Spend Christmas With Friends In Scotland. He’s Travelling On The Caledonian Railway.

Illustration: PINTEREST


  1. Outstanding, Zephyrinus. Sounds like a Sherlock Holmes episode (“The Case of the Haunted Gainsborough”, where Holmes travels to save a baron from losing his Scottish castle; Or where Watson and Holmes plan to go trout fishing in Scotland and of course end up solving a murder. (Of course, Arthur Conan Doyle was born in Edinburgh, as Zephyrinus knows.)

    Enjoy your Christmas vacation, and let us know what mysteries you solve for the Scots.

    1. Dear Dante Peregrinus. Most grateful for your scintillating Comment and suggestions. Having ensured that Perkins (Chauffeur) will be on vacation elsewhere during Christmas-tide, it leaves Zephyrinus with completely free time in The Highlands. Following on from your Sherlock Holmes analogy (Holmes, of course, being a favourite of Zephyrinus (preferably played by Jeremy Brett)), there is bound to be a fatal mishap or two. No doubt, all will be well (all manner of things will be well) and Zephyrinus will be accorded mystic powers by the local Mr Plod.

      Thank You for your Christmas Greetings and Zephyrinus reciprocates to you and yours.

    2. Ah, Zephyrinus, a fellow Jeremy Brett/Sherlock Holmes fan—indeed, by popular claim, Jeremy Brett as the best of several good Holmes portrayals by far (Jeremy Brett is to Holmes truly as Sean Connery, requiescat in pace, was to James Bond). Fascinating, because I was reading up on the great Jeremy Brett and his tumultuous life. A brilliant, brilliant actor.

      Now again, be sure that Watson (Edward Hardwicke, a perfect, thoughtful foil to the mercurial Brett) brings his Webley RIC “service revolver” on the “Scottish Case” in case it is needed to quell Dr. Moriarty. And I hope the trout are biting (not likely in winter,but,..) πŸ˜€

  2. Thank You, Dante Peregrinus, for your most interesting Comment. I particularly liked the analogy between Jeremy Brett (R.I.P.) and Sean Connery (R.I.P.). I agree totally.

    Rest assured that Watson will be joining me in The Highlands. AND, he will be bringing his Webley Service Revolver. Moriarty has been seen in the area, already.

    We have packed our Fishing Rods as a cunning disguise, should nosey Inn-Keepers be watching us.
